Dear respected Parents, and well wishers of High Range Public School,

At the very outset, it is my proud privilege to greet you, with warm prayerful best wishes and choicest showers of blessings from God, the almighty. I can undoubtedly say that it has been an incredible journey. The School campus is surrounded by lush green grass, trees, and flowers, adding to the harmony of an echo friendly peaceful atmosphere at the heart of Oonnukal. This is an age of achievement, provided one perseveres in whatever he or she tries. It is said that success is sold in the open market.

You and I can buy it, in fact any one can buy it provided one is willing to pay the price. Great men were not great when they were born nor when they started their career, but made themselves great by learning, learning and learning.

I take pride in assuring that High Range Public School considers quality education of its students as its prime responsibility and strives to inculcate this vision in its every endeavor. We believe that today’s world requires men and women with educated head and loving heart. Hence the school focuses not only the academic excellence of the students, but also a holistic view of life by placing emphasis on their spiritual and moral well being. Dreams make everything possible and hard work makes everything fruitful. To quote former president of India, Mr Abdul Kalam “Dreams are not those you get when you sleep, but dreams are those that don’t let you sleep”.

Once again, we are joyfully preparing for a Christmas Season. With a heart full of gratitude towards our Eucharistic Lord, I would like to greet you in the season of this Advent. It is my humble prayer that the word of God, Emmanuel may bless you and the people entrusted to you abundantly.
This Christmas is a distinctive occasion for all since Pope Francis announced Holy Year of Mercy, starting on 08 December, 2015 and ending on 20 November, 2016. Holy Father proclaimed “Let the church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved, and forgiven. A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just”.

We gratefully acknowledge your trust and confidence deposed in the High Range, by giving us an opportunity to serve you and your children in a better way. Once again, I wish all the students, parents and guardians better cooperation and great success and abundant blessings from God the Almighty. Wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May the Child Jesus bless and keep you safe throughout the year 2016.
Yours Sincerely,

Rev.Dr. Joseph Kaippayil